Saturday, September 20, 2014

How to Print Digital Photos Cheaply

These days almost all photos are taken with digital cameras. It is great because many times we no longer have to get film developed.

Sometimes though we want to get away from a screen and would like to look a real photos in a photo album.

The downside of digital photos is the printing side because digital photo printers are expensive, their ink is high, and stuff can go wrong.


Things Youll Need:

  • Memory Stick
  1. Step 1

    Load your digital photos on to a memory stick. You can open My Computer click and drag over all the photos you want to copy, right click and hit copy. Then open the drive letter of your memory stick and hit paste.

  2. Step 2

    Take the memory stick to a nearby superstore. Often Walmart, Targe, or warehouse clubs have digital camera photo printing kiosks. Start the process and insert the memory stick when prompted into the correct memory stick type port.

  3. Step 3

    Select the photos you want to print and print as many copies and sizes you want.

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