Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to Research Emerging Technology Trends

Emerging technologies represent the cutting edge of new useful products. These technologies may be in development or are new to the market. Researching these technologies can be done online, learning about industry innovators through online technology, business and educational publications.


Things Youll Need:

  • Computer with Internet connection

    Online Publications

  1. Step 1

    Make a list of online publications devoted to emerging technologies. This list should include popular publications such as CNET, Technology Review, and E-week. Since emerging technologies represent the crossroads of technology and business, there are business publications that track emerging technologies as well, such as Forbes, and Make lists of the companies and the new products they are developing.

  2. Step 2

    Study the company that is manufacturing or marketing the product by going to that companys website. Most corporate websites will give you company background. If not, Hoovers gives many company profiles that document company history, personnel and financial data. Company funding is key to how much development it can study and produce. Company history reveals whether or not its mission is to be innovative or a follower of trends. Find out who is head of the company, whether it is a CEO or president, so you can learn his or her background in technology.

  3. Step 3

    Search for video interviews with the company CEO on YouTube. The CEO knows more about the company than anyone, including any media publication. Some CEOs are the product designers themselves, whereas others worked their way up the corporate ladder without being part of product development teams. Its the CEOs job to know how the new product will change or improve a market and affect competition.

  4. Step 4

    Investigate the patent or patent pending documentation of the product. By visiting the United States Patent and Trademark Office at, you can look up patent numbers and descriptions of the existing or proposed inventions. This information is useful if you want to compare a new product with existing similar products.

  5. Step 5

    Find out if the technology is being developed at a university such as MIT. Look for blogs or research papers on the university website. Another source for information on technological development is the website of an association that oversees or offers input to a specific industry

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